
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Original Sea Glass Jewelry Creations by Danielle Renee & Deborah Leon

One of the great things about writing a blog like Coastal Creations and Design is the ability to attract wonderful folks that share the same common interests. As fate has it, we recently received a few favorable comments to a current post from two very talented artists, and both create exceptional sea-inpired jewelry from beach-combed sea glass. So I checked out their websites and Wah-lah! . . .the inspiration for another coastal creation. (See what writing a nice comment to our blog might bring you!)

 Danielle Renee’
Owner/designer of Sea Glass Jewelry by Danielle Renee’

A true beachcomber and beach lover, Danielle has spent most of her summers at the coast of New England which has been enough to foster her love of sea shore finds- especially sea glass, the jewels of the sea.

Couple that with her love of the arts, it was only a matter of time before destiny would lead her to becoming a sea glass jewelry designer and artisan.

Like many coastal residents and visitors, Danielle found collecting sea glass to be the perfect pastime while strolling the shores of both local and distant beaches. We are reminded that sea glass is actually glass trash yet through time and surf have been transformed into colorful, smooth and frosty sea gems. Sea glass has become the “new diamond”.
Danielles sea glass jewelry pieces are “Ocean Inspired” and eco-friendly. They are hand made with top quality and rare sea glass.

You can visit Danielle Renee's website by clicking on this link.

Deborah Leon
Owner/Designer of Mermaids Purse

"My whole life I have lived on a coast line some where. Lake Superior, Rhode Island, Tiawan and California. Everything in my life is greatly influenced by the ocean and living on the coast."

As an artist since since childhood,  Deborah is mostly inspired by the endless colors of creation, history, and fantasy. Her favorite challenges have always been taking natural, old, and recyclable elements and turning them into art….pretty art. With a little imagination and determination, she has taken sea treasures off the window sill, table tops and out of containers to be worn and enjoyed.

"This passion of Sea Glass, Mermaid’s, Ship Wreck’s, History and Mythology is infectious. Journey with me as I build new products, blog about sea glass and don’t miss the tellings of Ula my Mermaid. It’s a fantastical world."

You can visit Deborah Leon's website by clicking on this link:

Some thoughts about sea glass by Deborah Leon:
SEA GLASS JEWELRY is sure to enchant Mermaid's on land or sea. In fact myth has it that sailors and fishermen of days gone by referred to these translucent baubles as Mermaid's Tears.

DISCARDED: Sea Glass is discarded or lost glass. Before their were modern day guide lines for disposing of trash, it was common practice for dump sites to be over the cliffs of local shores. Freight liners would dump over the ship's side near harbors, and of course there are those who left and tossed trash on the beaches. Thus discarded glass.

LOST GLASS: So what is lost glass? From ship wrecks of course! There are the old ships that couldn't navigate and withstand squalls and winter storms. Then there are war ships that have sunk over the ages that are filled with glass ware of all kinds.

Does this stir your imagination? The allure of Sea Glass is not just in its beauty. The history and identification of a piece of Sea Glass can send you on a quest that could become an obsession. You see most Sea Glass is vintage or antique in age.

FROSTED Sea Glass is actually caused by a process called Hydration. Over decades and decades of glass swirling in the currents of the sea which has a high saline ( mineral ) content will cause the lime to leach from the bottle and redeposit itself over the surface of the bottle giving it a frosted, pitted, etched appearance.

PRETTY COOL TRASH...each piece is unique in shape, color, size and condition. It requires sorting through hundreds of pieces of sea glass ( with a cup of coffee) to select two for a pair of earrings.

GLASS OR GEM: I'll let you decide! What started as a combination of elements from the earth to become something man-made was returned to the earth via its water ways to be recomposed by nature to reappear as something more gem-like. Fascinating!

We invite you to leave your comments and please support these wonderful artists. Smooth sailing!


  1. I really liked your beach collection. These can be great with Diamond Jewelry

  2. how can I get these products for my art gallery which im building up. If there is a way I can buy them please let me know. They are absolutely beautiful. my email is

  3. If you are interested in acquiring any of these fine products, just click on their website link provided as part of the blog content. We hope you have great success with your new gallery Joe and Chance the Sea Dog!

  4. Beautiful jewelry! Thanks for the links! ♥

  5. I am a huge fan of Danielle Renee, she helped me immensely when I was looking for sea glass information a few months ago. Since then I have manage to find a ton of Cape May Diamonds (sea glass)beach combing down the street from my house. Her work is amazing!
